HPS Advisors help navigate your academic career

We'll guide you from start to finish, helping you explore careers, choose your major, select courses, meet university requirements, prepare for graduation and more to ensure you have a meaningful undergraduate experience at UNT. Graduate students are advised by specific HPS faculty.  Need help with Graduate Advising? Click here!

Advising Drop-In Dates & Times

Drop-In Advising:

Duration: 15-minute advising session, either virtually or in-person

Purpose: To briefly address issues during registration periods and at the end of Fall/Spring semesters. This helps students to complete registration or address academic progress and understand academic status.

Availability: Drop-in advising is available during specific periods in the semester to address quick questions, such as graduation checks related to degree requirements or University academic policies.

Scheduled Appointments (Recommended)

Duration: 45 minutes advising session, virtually or in-person –

Purpose: Discuss academic and career goals, plan and review academic requirements, prepare for course registration, evaluate coursework, create and track graduation plan via the Online degree audit system for timely graduation, discuss potential academic challenges, and review campus resources.

Morning Sessions:
8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Afternoon Sessions:
1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Upcoming Dates:

Seniors: March 19th-20th

Juniors: March 26th (Afternoon only)- 28th

Sophomores: April 2nd (Afternoon only)– 3rd

Freshman: April 10th-11th

All Classifications: April 16th (Willis Library), 22nd - 23rd

To sign in for a virtual visit: 
  • Log in to unt.Navigate.eab.com
  • Click appointments on the left
  • Click schedule appointment button
  • Under “Other Options” click view drop-in times
  • Choose appointment type and service, then click find available times
To visit in-person or contact us:

Chilton Hall, Suite 112
410 Ave. C
Denton, TX 76201
HPS Advising Mission

We empower students to chart a bold path to success by creating strong partnerships, sharing our expertise, and inspiring students to surpass expectations.

HPS Advising Vision
The UNT advising community will be leaders in student support by implementing inclusive, personalized, innovative, and holistic academic advising techniques, drawing from theory and practice tailored to UNT’s diverse student populations.

We serve all HPS undergraduate majors

Graduate walking across stage holding diploma up with big smile on his face


Apply for graduation


Who receives advising?

All UNT students must meet with their advisor and receive their advising code before they can register for classes.

Who is my advisor?

Each student is assigned an advisor based upon their major. Find your advisor below.

Do I need to make an appointment to see my advisor?
Yes, it is best to schedule an appointment with your primary advisor via appointments.unt.edu. We recommend scheduling your advising appointments early. Do not wait until the week before classes begin or once registration has opened to see an advisor. Some classes close quickly, and meeting with your advisor can help prevent delays to a timely graduation.
What should I expect at my advising appointment?
Academic advising is more than just creating a schedule of classes. Members of our advising team can help you choose a major, weigh different class options and connect you with campus resources. You can discuss your educational and career goals with your advisor and ask any questions you may have. Advisors help you make the most of your UNT experience.
Where do I find information about UNT or HPS requirements, resources and dates?
What is the University Core Curriculum?
UNT has a set of core classes that all students must fulfill to graduate. Find details on the UNT Advising website or the UNT Catalog.
How do I declare a major/degree?
If you need to declare a major or change your major, please schedule an appointment with one of our advisors or the primary advisor for your major.
How do I drop a class?

Before dropping a class, we strongly recommend that you check in with your professor and/or your academic advisor. You can obtain the Instructor Approval to Drop form from the Registrar’s Office, the Academic Advising office, or the academic department office.

The form must be signed by the professor of the class then returned to the Registrar’s Office before the due date for final processing. If you are taking all classes via Online format, you can communicate either by email or phone with your instructor/department and academic advisor to ensure the class is dropped before the drop date.

Where can I go to get a transcript?

You may request an official or unofficial copy of your UNT transcript from the Registrar’s Office located in the Eagle Student Services Building.

How do I apply for graduation?

The semester prior to your graduation, meet with an academic advisor to complete a Graduation Check. At this appointment, you will confirm your remaining courses and grades needed to meet graduation requirements.

Seniors will receive an email from the Graduation Records Office containing information about applying for graduation and specific due dates.

When your application has been approved for final processing by the Registrar’s Office, you will receive a confirmation letter from the Graduation Records Office.

After you have satisfied all degree requirements, you will receive your diploma via postal mail approximately 6-8 weeks after the end of the semester or term.

Graduation ceremonies are held twice a year: May and December.

Learn more about graduation at Registrar's Office Apply to Graduate page and on the Registrar’s website.


Find My Advisor

Richard Mabry
Richard Mabry, M.S.
Assistant Dean, Student Success
Joshua Brown headshot
Joshua Brown
HPS Graduate Advisor
Amanda DeVaney
Amanda DeVaney
Academic Counselor
HPS Undeclared Major
Public Health A-L
Brisa Finegan
Brisa Finegan
Academic Counselor for:
Criminal Justice A-G
Cris Buxton
Cris Buxton
Senior Academic Counselor for:
Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology
Ja'Tiara Armstrong
Ja'Tiara Armstrong
Academic Advisor for:
Criminal Justice T-Z
Social Work
Elizabeth Perez
Elizabeth Perez
Academic Advisor for:
Behavior Analysis
Public Health M-S
Headshot of Maati Wise-Ka'awa
Maati Wise-Ka'awa
Senior Graduate Academic Advisor
Paige Tamboury
Paige Tamboury, M.Ed.
Academic Advisor for:
Criminal Justice H-P
Rachel Rachel
Rachel Rachel
Academic Advisor for:
Criminal Justice Q-S, Emergency Administration and Disaster Planning,
Nonprofit Leadership Studies & Urban Policy and Planning
Rod Streng
Rod Streng, Ph.D.
Academic Advisor for:
Addiction Studies, Rehabilitation Studies,
Public Health T-Z
Physical/Shipping Address
UNT College of Health and Public Service Advising
Chilton Hall, Suite 112
410 Ave. C
Denton, TX 76201
Mailing Address
UNT College of Health and Public Service Advising
1155 Union Circle #305248
Denton, TX 76203