Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology

Alemi, R., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Manning, J., Hanna, L., Towler, W., Wilson, C., Bien, A., Miller, S.Schafer, E., Gemignani, J., Koirala, N., Gracco, V., Deroche, M. (2023). Motor processing in children with cochlear implants as assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Perceptual and Motor Skills. 131(1):74-105. doi: 10.1177/00315125231213167.

Aoyama, K., Hong, L., Flege, J. E., Akahane-Yamada, R., & Yamada, T. (2023). Relationships between acoustic characteristics and intelligibility scores: A reanalysis of Japanese speakers’ productions of American English liquids. Language and Speech. Impact factor: 1.835 (2023), 1.910 (5-year) SCImago SJR: 0.772. Q1 (Speech and Hearing): 14 out of 64.

Caldwell, J., Gopal, K., Ortu, D., and Miller, S.E. (2024). Electrophysiological auditory measures to identify potential cortical markers of tinnitus. Brain Research. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2024.149100

Davis, B. L., Aoyama, K., & Cassidy, R. (2023). Bye-bye bunny: Place and manner sequences in children’s C1VC2V-shaped words. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(2), 527-544. Impact factor: 2.674 (2021), 3.127 (5-year) SCImago SJR: 0.867. Q1 (Speech and Hearing): 9 out of 66. Google Scholar Citation: 3.

Hosseinabad, H. H., Xing, Y., & Kemp, M. (2024). A Retrospective Analysis of Factors Affecting Speech Production in School-Aged Children with Cleft Palate (+-Cleft Lip). International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 112029.

Hashemi Hosseinabad H, Xing Y. (2024) Feasibility of using ultrasound visual biofeedback to treat persistent speech sound disorders in children with cleft palate- a case series. Clin Linguist Phon. Published online January 28, 2024. doi:10.1080/02699206.2024.2306468

Hosseinabad, Hedieh Hashemi, Bai, X. (2023). Effects of multitasker babble noise on speech intelligibility in children with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI).

Hosseinabad, Hedieh Hashemi, Bai, X., Washington, K. (2023). Comparison of intelligibility measures for children with velopharyngeal insufficiency: visual analog scale ratings, interval scales, and orthographic transcription (OT)-based measures.

Hosseinabad, H. Hashemi, & Xing, Y. (2024). Tongue dorsum activity in children with velopharyngeal insufficiency vs. typically developing children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-19.

Lam, B. P. W., Sheng, L., & Zhang, X. (2023). Children’s Likelihood to Perform Adult-Like in Word Association Test: Effects of Bilingualism and of Distributional Properties of Word Relationships. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26 (1), 216-230.

Lam, B. P. W., & Yoon, J. (2023). Dual-language testing of emotional verbal fluency: A closer look at “joy,” “sadness,” “fear,” “anger,” and “disgust”. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 38 (1), 91-105.

Lam, B. P. W., & Yoon, J. (2023). The Effect of Language Dominance on Classic Semantic, Action, Emotional, and Phonemic Fluency in Unbalanced Bilinguals. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(12), 4967-4983.

Mathews, L., Schafer, E. C., Gopal, K. V., Lam, B., & Miller, S. (2024). Speech-in-Noise and Dichotic Auditory Training Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Language, speech, and hearing services in schools55(4), 1054–1067. (Impact Factor: 2.2)

Miller, S. E., Anderson, C., Montou, O., Lam B. P. W., & Schafer, E. (2023). Neural mechanisms of the acceptable noise level. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(2), 765-774. doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00382.

Nedrud, C. & Schafer, E. C. (2023). Physical activity in children with hearing loss: A systematic review. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (SIG): SIG 9 Pediatric Hearing and Hearing Disorders, 8(5), 1019-1026.

Olness, G. S., Kurnal, J. J., Broussard, T. G. Jr., Stillman, F. S., Assaad, C. C., Garcia, L. M., & Morgan, J. M. (2023). The narrative-based evolution of a stakeholder-engaged research team: Mining for gems of wisdom in written biographical accounts of life with aphasia. Topics in Language Disorders, 43(3), 190-209.

Schafer, E. C., Dunn, A., Lavi, A., DeConde Johnson, C. (2023). Listening issues in autistic students: Are we doing enough? Journal of Educational, Pediatric and (Re)Habilitative Audiology, 25, 1-11.

Schafer, E. C., Gopal, K. V., Mathews, L., Miller, S., Lam, B. (2024). Impact of an auditory processing training program (APT) on individuals with autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Audiology, 33(4), 1221-1236. (Impact factor: 1.4)

Sheng, L., Yu, J., Su, P. L., Wang, D., Lu, T. H., Shen, L., ... & Lam, B. P. W. (2023). Developmental language disorder in Chinese children: A systematic review of research from 1997 to 2022. Brain and Language, 241, 105268.

Ulatowska, H. K., & Olness, G. S. (2024). The power of memoirs on the journey toward recovery. International Journal of Reminiscence and Life Review, 10, 51-55.

Villarreal, Valarie M.DEHS; Brooks, Brittani BA; Long, Kathleen BS; Schafer, Erin C. PhD. (2024) Survey of Aural Rehabilitation Services: 2002 to 2022. The Hearing Journal. 77(2):p 28,29,30, February 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.HJ.0001006572.85246.06

Behavior Analysis

Alai-Rosales, S, Heinkel-Wolfe, P, Cunningham, I, Louise-Fowler, Dracobly, J, Morrison, K, and Edwards, C. (2024) A Context for Responsive and Responsible Family Collaboration with Young Autism Families, In (Eds) Weiss, Tereshko, Linnehan, & Dyer. Fostering Community, Social Connection and Belonging: The Behavior Analyst’s Guide to Neurodiversity. Sloane Publishing

Becker, A., Kuhn, R. M., & Pinkelman, S. (2024). Advancing and integrating the cusp concept to understand behavioral repertoire dynamics. Perspectives on Behavior Science. Advance online publication.

Bergmann, S., & Kodak, T. (2023). Auditory-visual discriminations: Stimulus control, teaching procedures, and considerations. In J. L. Matson (Ed.) Applied behavior analysis: A comprehensive handbook. (pp. 211–233). Springer Nature.

Bergmann, S., & Kodak, T. (2023). The tact is being emitted by the child: Replicating and extending parity research with English-speaking, typically developing children. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. Advance online publication. 10.1007/s40616-023-00188-x

Bergmann, S., Long, B. P., St. Peter, C. C., Brand, D., Strum, M. D.*, Han, J. B., & Wallace, M. D. (2023). A detailed examination of reporting procedural fidelity in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Advance online publication.

Bergmann, S., Niland, H.*, Laddaga Gavidia, V.*, Strum, M.*, & Harman, M. (2023). Comparing multiple procedural fidelity measurement methods in trial-based procedures. Education and Treatment of Children, Advance online publication.

Bergmann, S., Niland, H.*, Otero, M.*, Laddaga Gavidia, V.*, & Kodak, T. (2023). Teaching children with autism spectrum disorder to tact auditory stimuli: A replication. Behavioral Interventions, Advanced online publication.

Briggs, A. M., Mitteer, D. R., Bergmann, S., & Greer, B. D. (2023). Reinforcer thinning: General approaches and considerations for maintaining skills and mitigating relapse. In J. L. Matson (Ed.) Applied behavior analysis: A comprehensive handbook. (pp. 105–122). Springer Nature.

Caldwell, J., Gopal, K., Ortu, D., & Miller, S. (2024). Electrophysiological auditory measures to identify potential cortical markers of tinnitus. Brain Research, 149100. 

Gatzunis, K.S., Weiss, M.J., Ala’i-Rosales, S. et al. Using Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Functional Assessment Interviewing, Cultural Responsiveness, and Empathic and Compassionate Care to Students of Applied Behavior Analysis. Behav Analysis Practice (2023).

Halbur, M. E., Kodak, T., Reidy, J., & Bergmann, S. (2023). Comparing manipulations to enhance stimulus salience during intraverbal training. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior. Advance online publication.

Houck, E. J.*, Dracobly, J. D.Smith, R. G., Bauer, M. S.*, Pelletier, D. R.*, & Sanchez, A. J.* (2024). Adapting preference assessments and reinforcement schedules to increase mask wearing with adults with intellectual disabilities. Behavioral Interventions, e2008.

Hunter, M. E., & Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). The PORTL Laboratory. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 46(2), 355–376.

Kalafut, K., Feuerbacher, E, and Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2024). The effects of multiple clicks prior to food delivery on performance in a domestic dog. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis in Animal Training, 1 (1) 25-41. DOI: 10.62981/LRCA4818.

Kodak, T., Bergmann, S., Waite, M. (2023). Treatment integrity and procedural fidelity. In J. Luiselli (Ed). Applied behavior analysis advanced guidebook: A manual for professional practice. (pp. 33–62), 2nd Ed. Elsevier.

Leon, Y., Brewer, A., Fandal, M.*, Jimenez-Gomez, C., & Dracobly, J. D. (Online First, 2023). Assessment and treatment of problem behavior occasioned by unpredictable transitions for children with autism. Behavioral Interventions.

Liden, T.A., Rosales-Ruiz, J. Constructional Parent Coaching: A Collaborative Approach to Improve the Lives of Parents of Children with Autism. Behav Analysis Practice (2024).

Luc, O. T., & Ortu, D. (2023). Distal and Proximal Sources of Stimulus Control in a Virtual Maze as a Function of Task Difficulty: A Preliminary Study. The Psychological Record, 73(4), 581-585.

Pritchett, M., Alai-Rosales, S., Cihon, T. & Re Cruz, A.(2023) From Fuller to Fawcett: A Human Rights History of Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis. In (Eds). Cox, Syed, Brodhead, & Quigley) Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom.

Scallan, C. M., & Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). The Constructional Approach: A Compassionate Approach to Behavior Change. Behavior Analysis in Practice.

Stordahl, S. K., Cihon, J. H., Alai-Rosales, S., & Rosales-Ruiz, J. (2023). Increasing Socially Significant Behaviors for Children with Autism Using Synchronous Reinforcement. Education Sciences, 13(7), 751.

Varnon, C. A., & Moore, M. K. (2024). Reconsidering the subject and object of comparative cognition. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews.

Criminal Justice

Burgason, K.  Caudill, J., DeLisi, M., & Trulson, C.R. (2024). Homicidal ideation in a sample of capital murderers: Prevalence, morbidity, and associations with homicide offending. Homicide Studies, 28, 468-486.

Clinkinbeard, S. S., Rief, R. M., Rhodes, T. N., & Goodijohn, L. E. (2024). Navigating Entry: The Role of Exposure and Career Fit Negotiation in Women’s Pathways to Policing in the United States.  Justice Quarterly, 1–24. 

Cooper, M. N., Barnaby, C. Y., Updegrove, A. H., Cho, A., & Dixon, A. (2023). “Getting white boys to get their heads out of their asses”: Instructor accounts of teaching a race and crime course. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1-39.

Craig, J.M., Malvaso, C., & Farrington, D.P. (2023). The Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Different Types of Offending Behavior: An Examination across Two Generations of British Male Participants. Advanced Online Copy. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Craig, J.M. & Trulson, C.R. (2024). Examining the Impact of of Empathy on the Recidivism of Serious Juvenile Offenders. Advanced Online Copy. Crime & Delinquency.

DeLisi, M., Butler, H. D., Minkler, M., Caudill, J. & Trulson, C. (2023). “We are people who kill…murder machines”: An empirical study of lifetime inmate homicide among capital defendants. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 48, 1248-1262.

Evans, D.N. & Trahan, A. (2024). Psychological and emotional impacts on families of people involved in the legal system for sex offenses. Crime & Delinquency, 1-25.

Juarez, A., Bowen, K. N., & Nhan, J. (2024). Communication inhibitors: Dilemmas in community partnerships amidst mental health crises in Texas. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology. Advance online publication.

Kim, J., Leban, L., Lee, J., & Craig, J. (2023). Direct and Indirect Effects of Parental Influence on the Relation between Violent Offending and Mental Health Problems. Advanced Online Copy. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Rief, R. M., Lewis, R. A., & Applegarth, D. M. (2024). In Pursuit of Fairness: A Review of themes of gender responsiveness and racial bias in criminal justice actuarial risk assessment tools. Criminal Justice Policy Review

Schauss, E., Zettler, H. R., Hawes, K., Rashed, J., Roberts, S., Ahern, B., Bartelli, D., Li, C., Burgess, M., & Williams. R. (2023). Call to action: The rise of pediatric gun violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

Trahan, A., & Evans, D. (2023). Perceptions of legal system legitimacy among family members of individuals incarcerated for sex offenses. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law.

Trahan, A., Voss, A.S., & Fowler, S.K. (2024). Attitudes on policy and punishment: Opposition to inequality-based government aid predicts support for capital punishment. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 12, 172-183.

Trulson, C.Craig, J., Caudill, J. & DeLisi, M. (2024). Sometimes they come back: Recidivism and the adult imprisonment of formerly incarcerated serious and violent juvenile offenders. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 49, 349-369.

Emergency Management & Disaster Science

Benedict, Bailey C., Seungyoon Lee, Caitlyn M. Jarvis, Laura K. Siebeneck, and Rachel Wolfe. "Utilizing qualitative data for social network analysis in disaster research: opportunities, challenges, and an illustration." Disasters (2023).

Dascher, E.D., Zavar, E., Greer, A., Binder, S.B. (2023). Biophilia as climate justice for post-buyout land management. Applied Geography 158, 103046.

Greer, A., Huntsman, D., Wu, H., Murphy, H., & Clay, L. (2023). Household Hurricane Evacuation During a Dual-Threat Event: Hurricane Laura and COVID-19. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 103820. Scopus Impact Factor: 7.242.

Lavy, B., & Zavar, E. M. (2023). Recovering the urban forest: The role of trees, tree culture, and place attachment before and after Hurricane Harvey. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 84.

Li, Y., Greer, A., & Wu, H. (2023). Applying the extended parallel process model to understand households’ responses to tornado and earthquake risks in Oklahoma. Risk Analysis. 

Nelan, Mary MargaretZavar, Elyse, Salzgiver, Miranda. (2024). #[Community]strong: howcommemorative slogans emerge followingcrises. GeoJournal (2024) 89:56.

Siebeneck, L., Zavar, E., & Wolfe, R. The Roles of Geographers and Land Use Managers in Emergency Management: Contributions Relating to the Space and Place of Hazards, Disasters, and Terrorist Attacks. In The Distributed Functions of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (pp. 26-44). CRC Press.

Wu, H., Murphy, H., Greer, A., & Clay, L. (2023). Evacuate or Social Distance? Modeling the Influence of Threat Perceptions on Hurricane Evacuation in a Dual-Threat Environment. Risk Analysis.

Zavar, E., Greer, A., Binder, S.B., & Niazi, S. (2023). The expression of visual culture on flood buyout landscapes, Harris County, TX. GeoJournal, 1-18.

Public Administration

Bland, R. L., Overton, M. R., Prentice, V. (2013). The Road to Entrepreneurial Budgeting and Beyond: A Reconceptualization of the Development of Budget Innovations in the United States. In K.D. Dzigbede & W.B. Hildreth (Eds.), Research Handbook on Public Financial Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bland, R., Sun, J., and Shi, Y. 2023. China's Policy to Limit Use of Public-Private Partnerships by Municipalities to Finance Capital Improvements. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy International Program Funded Working Paper.

Dicke, L.A., Ott, J.S. 2023. Understanding Nonprofit Organizations: Governance, Leadership, and Management, 4th Edition. Routledge.

Fischer, L.A.Keyes, L., Benavides, A.D. 2023. Building Planning Education at a Hispanic-Serving R1 Institution. Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education.

He, L., Kreske, E., Nawyn, S. J., Pearson, A. L., Axelrod, M., Pokhrel, Y., Gasteyer, S., Lawrie, S., & Kendall, A. D. (2023). Interventions addressing conflict in communities hosting climate-influenced migrants: Literature review. Environment and Security, 0(0).

Jang, H.Andrew, S.A., Jeon, Y., Ukwandi, K., & Arlikatti, S. 2023. How Has Blight Changed in the City of Dallas?: An Examination of the Last Ten Years. Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity.

Jang, H., Valero, J., & Ford, S. 2023. Homeless Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting Salamon’s Voluntary Failure Theory. Nonprofit Policy Forum Vol. 14, Issue 3.

Jang, H., & Valero, J. 2023. Public-Nonprofit Collaboration and Policy in Homeless Services. Palgrave MacMillan.

Jang, Hee Soun; Shi, Yu; Dicke, Lisa; and Keyes, Laura (2025) "Inclusive Leadership Ideology in Crisis Management: A Case Study Analysis on Serving the Homeless during Covid-19," Journal of Ideology: Vol. 43: No. 1, Article 2.

Keyes, L.Fischer, L.A., Benavides, A.D. (2023). More Than a Job: Building Opportunities for Undergraduate Professional Development in a Minority Serving Institution. Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education, 47-57.

Keyes, L.Jang, H.Dicke, L., and Shi, Y., “Spotlight on PA-Based Undergraduate Nonprofit Education” A Public Sector Catalyst for Stewardship and Service,

Kim, K., Andrew, S.A., & Yoon, D.K. (2024). Interorganizational Collaboration for the Implementation of Hazard Mitigation Strategies. Natural Hazards Review, 25(3), 040204017 1-10.

Kim, S., Andrew, S.A., Ramirez de la Cruz, E., Kim, W-J., & Feiock, R.C. (2024). Impacts of Local Government Perceptions of Disaster Risks on Land Resilience Planning Implementation. Land, 13(1).

Nawyn, S., He, L., Chen, J., Axelrod, M., Irfan, F., Ahmed, F., & Walker, M. A. (2024). Mapping the Future of Migration and Climate Change Science. International Migration Review, 58(4). DOI: 10.1177/01979183241272470

Pope, N.E., Greenfield, E.A., Keyes, L., & Russell, E. (2024). A Review of Public Sector Engagement in Age-Friendly Community Initiatives. Journal of Aging & Social Policy.

Shi, Y., Li. Q., and Bland, R. 2023. Fiscal Self-sufficiency, Debt Policy, Long-term Sustainability in China’s Emerging Local Bond Market. Public Administration and Development, 43(4):309-322.

Zhang, P., Chen, C., and Shi, Y. 2023. Fiscal Capacity, Crisis Severity, and Fiscal Policies Response to the COVID-19 Global Crisis. International Public Management Journal, 26(4):589-608.

Zhang, P., Shi, Yu., Chen, C., & Zhuge, A. (2024). Measuring and Benchmarking Fiscal Health: A Study of Chinese Provincial Governments. International Journal of Public Administration, 1–17.

Rehabilitation & Health Services

Aibangbee, M. S., Mapedzahama, V., Liamputtong, P. Rashmi Pithavadian, R. Hossain, Z, Mpofu, E. and Dune, T (2023). Migrant and refugee youth’s sexual and reproductive health and rights: A scoping review to inform policies and programs, International Journal of Public Health, doi: 10.3389/ijph.2023.160580.

A Siriungreung, J Hansen, B Ritz, JE Heck. “Association between medically diagnosed postnatal infection and childhood cancer: a matched case-control study in Denmark, 1978-2016.” International Journal of Cancer. 153(5), 994-1002, September 2023.

Askins, L., Orimoloye, H.T., Deng, C., Hansen, J., Olsen, J., Ritz, B., Janzen, C., Heck, J.E. (2024). Preeclampsia and Antihypertensive Medication Use in Pregnancy and Risk of Childhood Cancer in Offspring. Cancer Causes and Control. 35(1): 43-53, January 2024.

Chen, Y., Paul, K.C., Walker, D.I., Jones, D.P., Wang, X., Ritz, B., Heck, J.E. (2024). Neonatal per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance exposure in relation to retinoblastoma. Environmental Research. 240(Pt 2): 117435, January 2024.

Chen, Y., van Deventer, D., Nianogo, R., Vinceti, M., Kang, W., Cockburn, M., Federman, N., Heck, J.E. (2024). Childhood cancer risk in offspring in relation to maternal exposure to ambient solvents from industrial sources during pregnancy in California. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 259:114388.

Chen, Y., van Deventer, D., Nianogo, R., Vinceti, M., Kang, W., Cockburn, M., Federman, N., Heck, J.E. (2024). Maternal exposure to heavy metals from industrial sources during pregnancy and childhood cancer risk in California. J Occup Environ Med. 66:714-721.

Chun, J., Zhou, K., Rumrill, S., & Tittelbach, T. (2023). STEM career pathways for transition-age youth with disabilities. Rehabilitation Research Policy and Education, 37(1), 1-13.

Craig, A., Kilgour, E., Alder, J., Comfort, B., Devlin, A., Mpofu, E., Sarandrea, A.M., & Whiting, D. (2023). Impact of chronic disability on quality of life: a look at the specialized field of Rehabilitation Psychology. InPsych. The Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society, 45, 50-59.

Enamela, P., Prybutok, G. L., & Prybutok, V. R. (2023). The Role of Physical Activity and Community Engagement in Understanding Mental Health Among Community-Dwelling Seniors. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 10-1097.

Fantasia, A. T., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. (2023). The Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Addiction to Information over Searching and Information Avoidance. Journal of Addiction and Recovery. ISSN:2637-4528, 6(1): 1040.

Fantasia, A. T., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. (2023). The Relationship Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Media Addiction: A Qualitative Study. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health, 100056.

Gadgil, G., Prybutok, G., Prybutok, V., (2023). Mediation of Transgender Impression Management between Trans privacy paradox and Trans Facebook Persona: A trans perspective. Accepted by Computers in Human Behavior.

He, D.,  Huang, X., Arah, O.A., Walker, D.I., Jones, D.P., Ritz, B., Heck, J.E. (2024). A prediction model for classifying maternal pregnancy smoking using California state birth certificate information.  Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 38: 102-110.

Heck, J.E., He, D., Ritz, B., Wing, S.E., Carey, C.D., Yang, J., Stram, D.O., Le Marchand, L., Park, S.L., Cheng, I., Wu, A.H. (2024). Exposure to outdoor ambient air toxics and risk of breast cancer: The Multiethnic Cohort.   International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 259:114362.

HT Orimoloye, JE Heck, D He, A Charles, C Saechao, N Federman, B Ritz, J Olsen, J Hansen. “Maternal migraine and risk of pediatric cancers.” Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 70(7), e30385, July 2023.

Huerta, J., Senn, W., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2023). Addressing Health Disparities in Public Health Through the Application of Data Science Software in the Last 5 Years: A Preferred Reporting Items for Structured Review and Meta-Analyses Structured Review. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 41(5), 267-274.

Huerta, J., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2023). Application of GIS and SPSS for prostate cancer and health disparity detection in Texas. Int. J. Healthcare Technology and Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2023.

Ke, L., Leong, P.I. Brock, K., Mpofu, E., Yin, C., Feng, X.H., Kou P. K. , Mok,  C. H., & Lei w. s. (2024). Factors affecting the survival of adults who had cardiac arrest out-of-the hospital setting in Macao Special Administrative Region, China.  Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,  e48

Kim, J., Kim, I., Zhou, K., & Ji, W. (2024). From adverse childhood experiences to adulthood job satisfaction: Mediating roles of posttraumatic beliefs and core self-evaluation. Journal of Employment Counseling. (Clarivate Impact Factor: 1.6)

Komalasari, R., Mpofu, E.Prybutok, G., & Ingman, S. (2023). Subjective functional difficulties and subjective cognitive decline in older-age adults: Moderation by age cohorts and mediation by mentally unhealthy days. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1606.

Komalasari, R.; Mpofu, E.; Chang, R.; Tallutondok, E; Uligraf, D.; Zhan, R.; Thiamwong, L. (2024). Higher dynamic balance performance was associated with cognitive function among U.S. Community-dwelling low-income older adults. Sage Nursing journal 10. doi:10.1177/23779608241296629

Komalasari, R., Mpofu, E., Chang, R. & Traynor, V. (2023). Validation of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale in Indonesia: Preliminary Evidence. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 38(1):83-95. doi: 10.1007/s10823-023-09472-8.

Li, X, Mpofu, E. & Chen, Y. (2023). Resident satisfaction Indicators in long term care settings in the United States: A scoping review. Aging and Health Research,

Li, X, Mpofu, E. Dorystyn, D, (2024). Older adults in continuing care retirement communities: Their social engagement, processes and solutions. Activities, Adaptation & Aging journal 1-19.

Lorson, K. & Traylor, A. (2023). Analysis of Ohio’s 2020 School Health Profiles: Status of Health Education, Physical Education, and School Health Initiatives. Future Focus, 12- 24.

Lupo, P.J., Chambers, T.M., Mueller, B.A., Clavel, J., Dockerty, J.D., Doody, D.R., Erdmann, F., Ezzat, S., Hansen, J., Heck, J.E., Infante-Rivard, C., Kang, A.Y., Magnani, C., Malagoli, C., Metayer, C., Bailey, H.D., Mora, A.M., Ntzani, E., Th Petridou, E., Pombo-de-Oliveira, M.S., Rashed, W., Roman, E., Schuz, J., Wesseling, C., Spector, L.G., Scheurer, M.E. (2024). Non-chromosomal birth defects and risk of childhood leukemia: an assessment in 15,000 leukemia cases and 46,000 controls from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium. International Journal of Cancer. 154, 434-447.

Mincer, W., & Mpofu, E. (2023). The role of social science in substance use disorders and addiction. In P. Liamputtong, (Ed.). Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Part 1: The Role of Social Sciences in Chronic Illnesses. pp. 1467-1488). Springer.

McDaniels, B., Pontone, G.M., Keener, A.M., & Subramanian, I. (2023). A prescription for wellness in early PD: Just what the doctor ordered. Journal of Geriatric and Psychiatry and Neurology (Preprint). IF – 2.718.

McDaniels, B. & Subramanian, I. (2024). Psychosocial challenges associated with Parkinson’s disease. In C.R. Martin, V.R. Preedy, V.B. Patel, & R. Rajendram (Eds.), The behavior and psychology of disease (pp. 1-27). Springer Nature.

McDaniels, B., Subramanian, I., Kurian, S., & Chitnis, S. (2023). Early-onset Parkinson’s disease: An assessment of unmet needs. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 110, 105395. IF – 4.4.

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