HPS Graduate Student Research Day

HPS’s Graduate Student Research Day is a HPS-wide virtual poster and presentation session that showcases and awards research by graduate students across the department. Find out more.

2024 Winners

  • 3rd Place - Ahmed Eraky (left), Public Administration Doctoral Student; Faculty Advisor - Dr. Simon Andrew
  • 2nd Place - Michelle Castillo (middle), Behavior Analysis Doctoral Student; Faculty advisor - Dr. Karen Rader-Toussaint
  • 1st Place - Hyojun Kim (right), Public Administration Doctoral Student; faculty advisor - Dr. Hee Soun Jang
Three winners of our 2024 HPS Graduate Student Research Day

2022 Winners

  • 1st Place - Joshua Caldwell, Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology; Advisor - Kamakshi Gopal
  • 2nd Place - Haven Niland, Behavior Analysis; Advisor - Samantha Bergman
  • 3rd Place - Sara Ford, Public Administration; Advisor - Hee Soun Jang
  • CREEHS Prize Winner - Younghwan Jeon, Public Administration; Advisor - Simon Andrew


2021 Poster Gallery

Student Programs and Opportunities

UNT Graduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE)
A UNT program that is designed to develop a pool of highly trained biomedical PhD researchers.
UNT Scholars Day
An event celebrating undergraduate research at UNT. Students from all of UNT's colleges are welcomed to participate by submitting posters or papers based on original research and creative work.
UNT Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Provides opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct guided research in your field of study, gain experience, and earn unique credentials. Apply to earn an Undergraduate Research Fellowship Placement.
Graduate Student Research Awards
Competitive Thesis/Dissertation Research Award program funded by the Office of the Vice-President for Finance. Funds of $500-$1000 are available to support research-related expenses for equipment use, supplies, travel, data-access fees, etc. (funds cannot be used as a salary)
Dissertation and Thesis Boot Camp
The Eagle Thesis and Dissertation Boot Camp offers a supportive, focused environment for intense, focused writing, helping Master's and Ph. D. students overcome typical roadblocks in the dissertation process.
Resources for Graduate Students
UNT provides a variety of services for graduate students. These include professional development workshops, thesis/dissertation writing assistance, dedicated librarians, statistic support, and more.
UNT Deadlines: National Scholarships Needing Institutional Endorsement
Internal deadline for submitting Rhodes, Marshall, or Mitchell scholarship applications to the UNT nominating committee.