HPS Graduate Admissions Appeal

The College of Health and Public Service is home to highly ranked and selective graduate programs, and each year, we receive more qualified applicants than we can admit.

Our academic departments make admissions decisions after carefully considering all application information. Admission decisions are made by committees consisting of faculty with terminal degrees and licensure, if required, in their academic and professional fields. Faculty make final admissions decisions after thoroughly reviewing each applicant and considering the needs of the department, accreditation requirements, and limitations on class size. Due to the comprehensive review process, it is unusual for review committees to reverse an admission decision.

In some situations, however, you may wish to submit an appeal. Before submitting an appeal, please read the information on this page carefully to understand the process.

If you fail to follow the instructions, your appeal will be denied.

Students who believe they have not been treated fairly in the admissions process have the right to appeal. Individuals may appeal on the following grounds:

  1. The decision was based on unfair treatment.
  2. The department made a procedural error.

If the student believes that an admission decision was due to discrimination or sexual harassment, the student must report this belief to the UNT Office of Equal Opportunity. That allegation must be resolved through the UNT Resolution Procedures for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation before the admissions appeal can proceed.

Examples of information not considered during an appeal include:

  • New academic or personal information.
  • Work experience since the decision was rendered.
  • Increases in activities.
  • Additional letters of recommendation.
  • Interest in attending a graduate program at UNT.

Students who improve their academic and professional preparation for advanced study may reapply for consideration during the regular admissions schedule.

You must submit an appeal in writing within 15 calendar days of the admission decision. The admitting academic department reviews appeals.

Submit an appeal including the following:

  1. A written explanation (500 words or fewer) explaining why you believe an admissions appeal is appropriate.
  2. Any relevant supplemental information documenting unfair treatment or procedural error(s).

Resolution of an Appeal

The academic department will review your appeal and provide you with a written decision within ten business days of receipt.

If the academic department determines that the appeal has established unfair treatment or procedural errors, the department will reconsider the application.

Important: A finding of unfair treatment or procedural error does not guarantee admission. Students must still meet the admission standards established by the academic department. In addition, academic departments do not have the capacity to serve all qualified students.