Behavior Analysis

Behavior Analysis is the study of the effects of the environment on the behavior of individuals. It can be applied with any population, from children with autism, to people with developmental disabilities, to students and employees, and is used by service providers, employers, and educators to better understand and improve lives.

A career in Applied Behavior Analysis provides opportunities in a variety of fields, including working with:

  • Children with autism
  • Patients in healthcare institutions
  • People with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  • Students in educational settings

Anywhere there are people, there is the opportunity to use behavior analysis to improve their environment and help them reach their full potential.

Verified Course Sequence logoAll coursework is completed online
  • No scheduled class meetings or exams
  • Courses are available around the clock, seven days per week
  • Instructor support is just an email away!

Flexibly designed for full- or part-time pacing
  • ABAI Verified Course Sequence (VCS)
  • Offered as part of our Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis program
  • Also offered separately as a Graduate Academic Certificate
  • All courses are offered every semester and students may begin during any semester
  • Courses are offered in the Fall, Spring, and 10-week Summer semesters
  • Most coursework can be completed on tablets or smartphones, providing a mobile classroom​


Mission Statement for the Master of Arts (MA) in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Degree in the Department of Behavior Analysis at University of North Texas (UNT) 

The mission of the Master of Arts (MA) in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is to create and sustain a meaningful, accessible online-learning environment that prepares masters-level scientist-practitioners to utilize applied behavior analysis to the improve quality of life for autistics/people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with CARE (compassion, analysis, responsiveness, and effectiveness).  
Vision and Aspirations for the MA in ABA degree at UNT

As an academic unit striving for excellence, we hope to positively impact the world in several ways:  

  • Contribute to the quality of clinical, educational, and habilitative services for people with ASD/IDD    
  • Increase collaboration between behavior analysts and clients, stakeholders, allied professionals, and the community in pursuit of common goals that prioritize the well-being  and respect the individuality of people with ASD/IDD  
  • Nurture leaders who are active contributors to the field and discipline and create positive generational change  
  • Lead innovation and development of online pedagogy through continuous evidence-based improvement of practices  
Our Faculty and Students’ Shared Values

Our faculty and students share common values that shape our priorities and standards:  

  • Honesty and integrity in all activities and contexts  
  • Compassion and kindness towards clients, students, and faculty  
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion for all  
  • Improvement based on critical thinking and scientific method   
  • Responsiveness to individuals and their context  
  • Effectiveness and accountability for processes and outcomes  
  • Quality of life as a compass for instructional and intervention design  
  • Responsibility for lasting change and generational progress    
For Whom the MA in ABA degree at UNT is Designed

Our currently practicing, highly motivated, focused and self-directed professionals seeking:  

  • A high-quality, competency-based Masters in ABA that centers improving quality of life for the people they serve  
  • An accessible asynchronous online learning environment  
  • A program with a high BACB certification exam pass rates  
  • Content is specific to the needs of the whole person with ASD/IDD across the lifespan  
  • Content grounded in strong humanitarian and scientific approaches to human behavior
What Our Students Learn

The content of our degree is grounded in the current disciplinary and certification guidelines and includes:  

  • Behavior-analytic and dynamic-systems conceptual framework  
  • Knowledge and competencies related to effective and compassionate evidence-based interventions  
  • Relationship-based, person-centered, quality-of-life emphasis that includes important people in an individual's life   
  • Scientist-practitioner model   
  • Embedded reflective practices  
  • Population (ASD/IDD) specific understanding, knowledge and skills  
  • Strategic approaches to case conceptualization, decision making, and problem-solving  
  • Integration, synthesis, and extension beyond BACB task list and requirements  
How We Teach

Our pedagogy is grounded in the science of behavior and evidence-based online instruction and includes: 

  • Accessibility to students of diverse experiences, identities and environments  
  • Asynchronous instruction with synchronous supports  
  • Active engagement  
  • Project-based learning grounded in application, and competency  
  • Frequent, encouraging, and improvement-oriented feedback  
  • Care for the student's well-being and progress  
  • Course success and error analyses that inform instructional content and design  
  • Ongoing responsiveness and degree improvements made based on student feedback and student course and exam outcomes 

Is your program right for me?

What is behavior analysis?

Anywhere there are people, there is the opportunity to use behavior analysis to improve their environment and help them reach their full potential. It can be applied to any population, for instance: children with autism, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, students in educational settings, and when supervising employees. People in various careers use the principles of behavior analysis to guide their work: behavior analysts, service providers, teachers, and employers. 

What programs do you offer?

The Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis is designed for students who wish to earn a master’s degree. 

The Graduate Academic Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis is designed for students who already have a master’s degree. 

Why should I choose UNT for my education?
  • Courses available anytime, anywhere: Access your coursework online 24/7. 
  • Mobile-friendly learning: Complete most assignments on your tablet or smartphone. 
  • Flexible pacing: Choose full-time or part-time options to fit your schedule. 
  • No fixed class times: No scheduled meetings or exams – learn when it works best for you. 
  • Year-round enrollment: Courses offered in Fall, Spring, and 10-week Summer semesters. 
  • Start anytime: Begin your studies in any semester. 
  • Expert support: Our experienced instructors provide ongoing communication, personalized feedback, and flexible office hours, including evening office hours, to ensure you succeed. 
  • Exceptional instructional design: Our thoughtfully crafted courses are designed to enhance learning, provide clear guidance, and ensure you achieve your educational goals. 

Our online program offers asynchronous courses leading to a Master of Arts (MA) degree or Graduate Academic Certificate (GAC) in Applied Behavior Analysis. When combined with supervised fieldwork that is obtained outside our program, you will be eligible to take the national Board Certified Behavior Analysis (BCBA) exam administered by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB). Obtaining BCBA certification meets the criteria to become Texas Licensed Behavior Analysts (TX-LBA). If you are located outside of Texas, please refer to the US Licensure of Behavior Analysts section on the BACB website.