Criminal Justice Faculty and Staff

The Department of Criminal Justice is committed to excellence in teaching, research and service. Our faculty is comprised of nationally recognized scholars focusing on interdisciplinary solutions to the complex problems of crime and disorder.
 Chilton Hall 265

Adam Trahan, Ph.D.

Department Chair

Criminal Justice

Punitiveness, capital punishment, jury behavior, attitudes toward harsh punishment, criminological and socio-legal theory, collateral effects of incarceration, diversity
  Chilton 273
  Faculty Profile

Jody Sundt Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Academics

Criminal Justice
Dean's Office

Corrections and sentencing, program implementation, public attitudes
  Chilton Hall 289
  Faculty Profile
Jessica Craig, Ph.D.

Jessica Craig, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Programs
Associate Chair
Criminal Justice

Developmental/life course criminology and juvenile justice, the impact of child maltreatment and other traumatic experiences on delinquent and criminal behavior, identifying protective factors for offending, issues related to desistance from crime
  Chilton 273A
  Faculty Profile

Andrekus Dixon, M.S.

Senior Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Programs

Criminal Justice
  Chilton 265B
  Faculty Profile

Eric Fritsch, Ph.D.


Criminal Justice

Police staffing, organizational assessment, efficiency analysis, research methods, evaluation research, law enforcement juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, allocation and deployment, legal issues in criminal justice
  Chilton 273C
  Faculty Profile

D'Ann Hammett

Administrative Coordinator

Criminal Justice
  Chilton 273E

Brooke Nodeland, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Criminal Justice
Healthy Community Collaborative Program

Better understand the deviant behavior in an online environment
  Chilton 263D
  Faculty Profile

Jordan Russell


Criminal Justice
  Chilton 273F
  Faculty Profile

Mark Saber, Ph.D.


Criminal Justice
  Chilton 263G
  Faculty Profile

Chad Trulson, Ph.D.


Criminal Justice

Juvenile and adult recidivism, institutional behavior (misconduct and violence) in correctional organizations, juvenile justice, juvenile sentencing
  Chilton 263C
  Faculty Profile

Alexander Updegrove, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Criminal Justice

Capital punishment, immigration, U.S.-Mexico Border, victimology/victim services, public opinion, race and justice
  Chilton Hall 273B
  Faculty Profile
Robert Wall

Robert Wall, M.S.

Lecturer & Internship Coordinator

Criminal Justice
  Chilton 263E
  Faculty Profile

Haley Zettler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & UNT & Texas Inside-Out Program Coordinator

Criminal Justice

Community corrections, trauma, mental health, substance use.
  Chilton 273G
  Faculty Profile