Sustainable Local Policy Lab explores how local governments in urban and rural settings can adapt to external
challenges through effective, sensible, and durable policy and regulation. Led by
Dr. Linlang He, the lab analyzes governmental policies on a variety of topics, including the adoption
of electric vehicles in public fleets and the interoperability of emergency communication
systems. Researchers seek to understand the perspectives and interactions of multiple
actors, such as front-line workers, local and regional public officials, affected
residents, members of advocacy coalitions, and theoreticians, about specific policies.
Lab members evaluate public policy in terms of its fiscal, political, social and ecological
sustainability. The goal is to develop knowledge that advances administrative theory
and helps practitioners achieve desired, sustainable development outcomes.
He, L., Wills, K., Benson, C., Flaim, A. (2025). Lancang-Mekong Cooperation and policy
actors' coalition behavior around hydropower development in the Mekong countries:
Testing the impact of coalition opportunity structures. Review of Policy Research.
Nawyn, S., He, L., Chen, J., Axelrod, M., Irfan, F., Ahmed, F., Walker, M.A. (2024).
Mapping the Future of Migration and Climate Change Science.
International Migration Review. Sage., L., Kreske, E., Nawyn, S., Pearson, A., Axelrod, M., Pokhrel, Y., Gasteyer, S.,
Lawrie, S., Kendall, A. (2023). Interventions addressing conflict in communities hosting
climate-influenced migrants: Literature review.
Environment and Security., J., Cui, R., McJeon, H., Smith, S., Hultman, N., He, L., Sen, A., Dingenen,
R., Cazcarro, I. (2021). Quantifying the reductions in mortality from air-pollution
by cancelling new coal power plants.
Energy and Climate Change., L., Hultman, N. (2021). Urban agglomerations and cities' capacity in environmental
enforcement and compliance.
Journal of Cleaner Production. 313 127585., R.Y., Hultman, N., Edwards, M.R., He, L., Sen, A., Surana, K., McJeon, H., Iyer,
G., Patel, P., Yu, S., Nace, T., Shearer, C. (2019). Quantifying operational lifetimes
for coal power plants under the Paris goals.
Nature Communications. 10 (1) 1-9.
He, L., & Eraky, A. (2024, November 21-23) Communications Interoperability and Coordination
in Emergency Management [Research presentation]. 2024 Association of Public Policy
Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference/Policy Making at the Federal, State
and Local Levels. National Harbor, Maryland, United States.
Nam, A., He, L., Osei-Kojo, A. (2024, September) Discourses and Beliefs: Exploring
Coalition Politics in U.S. Wind Energy Policymaking [Research presentation] 2024 Annual
Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, IL, United States of America.
He, L. (2024, May) Continual Learning and Policy Change: A Longitudinal Analysis across
Hydropower Projects [Research presentation]. Conference on Policy Process Research
2024. Syracuse, NY, USA, United States of America.
He, L., & Zhao, D. (2023, November 9-11) Public Technologies and Institutional Behavior
-- An Equitable Transition to Clean School Buses -- the Role of Industry Support Networks
[Panel presentation] 2023 Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall
Research Conference/Policy that Matters: Making Public Services Work for All. Atlanta,
GA, United States.
- Grants and Sponsored Research
He, L. (Principal), "The Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Junior Faculty Enhancement
Award: An Equitable Transition to Low-Emission Government Fleet – The Role of Industry
Partners " Sponsored by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and UNT VPRI, $10,000.00.(2024
- 2025).
He, L. (Principal), "UNT Subaward on NSF Grant 2214872: “U.S.-China: Infrastructure-Driven
Decision System for Sustainable and Equitable Urban-Rural Development”," sponsored
by National Science Foundation, Federal, $20000 Funded. (2023 - 2026).
He, L. (Supporting), Zhao, D. (Principal), Durst, N. (Co-Principal), Beecher, J. (Co-Principal),
"NSF Award Number 2214872: U.S.-China: Infrastructure-Driven Decision System for Sustainable
and Equitable Urban-Rural Development (total amount: $500,000)," sponsored by National
Science Foundation, Federal, $36308 Funded. (2022 - 2026).
Dr. Linlang He, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration
Eraky Ahmed, Hyojun Kim, Edmund Poku Adu & Hao Zhang, UNT doctoral students
Stephen Cottingham, MPA student