Gary Webb, Ph.D.

Emergency Management and Disaster Science

Chilton Hall 302C

Gary Webb

Dr. Gary Webb is Professor in Emergency Management and Disaster Science.  Prior to coming to UNT, he was a faculty member in the sociology department and the Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events at Oklahoma State University.  He has also held research positions at the University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center. 

Dr. Webb has conducted extensive research on organizational preparedness for and response to numerous disasters in the United States and abroad.  His research has been supported by various agencies, including the U.S. National Science Foundation, and it has appeared in a variety of professional journals, including the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and DisastersInternational Journal of Emergency ManagementInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Science, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis ManagementEnvironmental Hazards, Natural Hazards Review, and others.

Most recently, he co-authored Introduction to Emergency Management, 2nd Edition (CRC Press, 2017).  He has been quoted in major media outlets, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and National Public Radio, and he has delivered invited presentations to international audiences in Denmark, France, South Korea, Taiwan, The Netherlands, and Turkey.  Dr. Webb has received multiple teaching awards, including the 2011 Oklahoma State University Regents Distinguished Teaching Award.

Primary Research Interests: 

Social aspects of disasters, including organizational preparedness for and response to extreme events; financial impacts of disasters; and cultural dimensions of disasters.