Tristan Wu

Dean's Office,Emergency Management and Disaster Science
Associate Dean for Research
Tristan Wu, Ph.D.4

Dr. H-C. Tristan Wu is an Associate Professor of Emergency Management and Disaster Science. He is also the co-editor of the International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. Prior to coming to UNT, he was a faculty member in the Fire and Emergency Management Administration Program and the Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events at Oklahoma State University. He has also held research positions at Texas A&M’s Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center.

Dr. Wu’s research examines the connections between hazard risk and individuals’ disaster preparedness/response behavior. His primary research has focused on the mental model of disaster risk information search, information content and protective action decision making. His projects have been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and other agencies. His work has been published, or is forthcoming, in journals including Risk Analysis, Behavior Research Methods, Natural Hazards, Natural Hazard Review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, and others. Dr. Wu has received multiple research awards, including the 2018 Western Social Science Association Outstanding Emerging Scholar Award.

Other Information


  • Ph.D., Texas A&M University  
  • M.A., Ming Chung University, Taiwan
  • B.S. Chinese Culture University, Taiwan  



  • EADP 3010 Introduction to Emergency Management (online)
  • EADP 3045 Disaster Response and Recovery


  • EMDS 5800 Risk, Perception, Hazard Adjustment and Measures