The minor in Addictions studies is designed for students interested in working with individuals experiencing addictive disorders. The program is structured to meet the state licensing educational requirements for licensure as a chemical dependency counselor (LCDC) when paired with a related major OR an addiction practicum.
The demand for Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors (LCDC’s) in criminal justice agencies, schools, medical facilities, social welfare programs and private practice is urgent. In an effort To help, UNT’s minor in Addiction Studies prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career, UNT’s Addiction Studies program in the Department of Rehabilitation and Health Services offers an 18-hour minor in Addiction Studies that prepares students for this challenging and rewarding career.
The minor may fulfill the educational requirements for state licensure as a chemical dependency counselor. Courses cover all levels of alcohol and drug use, as well as other behavioral addictions, their symptomatology, personal and social impacts, and treatment.
Addiction Studies Required Courses
The minor in Addiction Studies requires completion of six courses (18 hours) and must consist of:
Plus four of the following courses (12 hours):
(Students seeking licensure are advised to take RHAB 4375, RHAB 4475, RHAB 4675.)
Students interested in receiving a minor in rehabilitation studies require 18 total
hours of rehabilitation courses: nine required and nine electives.
Rehabilitation Studies Required Courses (Nine Hours)
(Nine hours of classes from the list below must be taken in addition to the required courses)
The Department of Rehabilitation & Health Services mission is to prepare professionals to enhance the lives of diverse populations including the aging population, individuals with disabilities, substance use disorders and/or chronic health concerns through training in advanced research, education and service delivery, or clinical practice.
Our department is comprised of community engaged academics providing an education that reaches beyond the classroom.