Clinic Information

The University of North Texas Speech and Hearing Center has been serving people with speech, language, and hearing disorders since 1967. We strive to provide superior professional diagnostic and treatment services in speech-language pathology and audiology while providing excellence in clinical education for students in the Department of Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology at the University of North Texas. Our clinic features numerous therapy and diagnostic rooms, hearing aid technicians, a preschool language room, areas for families to observe clinical sessions, and reserved parking.

Conveniently located near downtown Denton and Interstate 35, the Center attracts clients from throughout northern Texas and southern Oklahoma. The Center averages 5000 client visits per year, with over 150 people receiving therapy on a weekly basis and more than 500 coming to have their speech, language, or hearing evaluated. The professional personnel includes twenty speech-language pathologists and audiologists, all holding professional certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or American Academy of Audiology and licensure from the State of Texas.

The UNT Speech and Hearing Center provides services to clients in a non-discriminatory manner without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran.

Cassie Thomas, Au.D., F-AAA  --  Clinical Director 

If you feel you are having problems with hearing, speech, or language or suspect that a family member or friend is having difficulty, contact our Center for an evaluation.


For an appointment, call 940-565-2262 or Email Us

The University of North Texas Speech and Hearing Center accepts referrals from community agencies, patients and their families, physicians, schools, speech-language pathologists, and other audiologists. The Center is accepting a wide variety of health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid.  For further information or to make an appointment, call 940-565-2262.

Notice of Privacy Practices

The Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Friday. Services are provided by appointment.

Contact Information   

Physical Address:
Speech and Hearing Center
907 West Sycamore Street
Denton, Texas

(940) 565-2262 (voice)
(940) 369-7702 (fax)
TTY (940) 369-7325

Mailing Address
University of North Texas
Speech and Hearing Center
1155 Union Circle # 305010
Denton, Texas 76203

Speech & Language Services

Clients range in age from eighteen months to eighty years and reflect a diversity of speech, language, and voice disorders.

To evaluate clients' communication abilities and needs, speech-language pathologists certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and licensed by the State of Texas team with student clinicians to administer nationally-recognized speech and language tests. The diagnostic team also has access to the latest equipment and technologies for the identification of voice and swallowing disorders.

Services Include:

  • Feeding Evaluation and Therapy
  • Academic Language Assessment
  • Language Based Reading Disorder Program
  • Communication Therapy for Children with Autism
  • Voice Evaluations
  • Post Cochlear Implant Therapy
  • Preschool Language Program
  • Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)
The Center offers both individual and group therapy sessions. The one-on-one interaction of the individual approach provides clients with intensive treatment tailored to their specific needs.

Groups afford clients opportunities to achieve therapy goals in a naturalistic setting while interacting with people with similar communication disorders. The Center has several exciting group programs including a preschool for children with language impairments and a group for adults who have communication disorders resulting from stroke or head injury.

Summer 2025 Speech Camps are now available for registration!

They are being hosted from June 2nd-July 17th 2025. You can find more information about the different camps and what is available here. Registration links are below with the description of the camps!
  • Adventures with AAC and Caregiver Coaching
    • This group will focus on socialization with similar aged peers who utilize augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Participants will have the opportunity to build meaningful and effective conversations through practice with peers. Optional caregiver education will be provided at the same time as a separate group. Attendees need to currently use and have
      possession of personal AAC systems, be independent with toileting, and be able to safely participate in and attend the group activities. Documentation of current skill level through
      most recent evaluation and treatment goals is required.
  • Articulation Bootcamp
    • Children will participate in individual and group speech therapy activities while enjoying socialization, hands-on crafts, projects, and games. Camps will be coordinated and supervised by staff speech-language pathologists in the UNT ASLP Department. Speech therapy will be provided by current first- and second year graduate students in the department. Attendees must be independent with toileting and other self-management skills
      and have a documented articulation disorder from school or other speech therapist. They will also attend a baseline appointment prior to their camp.
  • Eagle Eat
    • Kids aged 5–8 will bring in their own lunch and work with supervising speech-language
      pathologists and graduate students to build confidence around eating. Through peer interactions, sensory strategies, and food play, children will explore new textures, tastes, and smells in a pressure free environment.
  • Eagle Express
    • This camp combines STEM activities, literacy-building exercises, gross motor games, and individual therapy to help kids strengthen their communication skills. Each day is filled with hands-on projects, reading adventures, and group activities designed to support language development. Camps will be coordinated and supervised by staff speech-language pathologists in the UNT ASLP Department. Speech therapy will be provided by current graduate students. Attendees must be independent with toileting and other self-management skills.
  • ImpAACtful Eaglets and Caregiver Coaching
    • This camp is for kids ages 4–8 who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices! The camp offers a fun, supportive space for kids to practice communication skills through personalized speech therapy approaches, AAC device practice, and peer interactions, led by experienced speech-language pathologists and graduate student clinicians. Caregivers will also receive valuable support and resources during optional simultaneous group meetings. Eaglet campers must currently use and bring to camp an AAC system, be independent with toileting, and be able to participate in group. Documentation of current skills and goals is required.
  • Lunch Bunch
    • Join our lunchtime social communication group and build your child’s confidence in communicating with others. The program focuses on teaching effective pragmatic skills by giving your child the opportunity to practice and use the skills taught in a more natural setting. Conversational skills, such as turn-taking, maintaining topic of conversations, initiating/participating, and asking/answering questions, will be targeted. Other possible pragmatic skills of active listening, expressing feelings, perspective taking of others, making friends, compromising, etc. may be targeted. Lunches will be provided. Attendees must be verbal (may consider use of AAC device) with no history of significant behavior difficulties that could affect the overall group dynamic.
  • Read to Succeed 
    • Does your child have difficulty reading or lack confidence with comprehension? Join this one-week summer program that focuses on building word decoding skills to improve reading fluency and develop strong comprehension of age-appropriate texts while boosting their vocabulary skills.
  • Ready Set College
    • Attendees will rehearse social language skills and social thinking skills with high school seniors with high-functioning autism as they prepare for college. Students will participate in
      tasks and practice social encounters to help ready them for the university experience.
  • Stuttering Success 
    • An in-person camp that will explore stuttering facts and knowledge in a theme-based setting! The fun activities will encourage learning and rehearsing age-appropriate strategies, techniques, and methods that aim to enhance fluency, increase the opportunities for modifying stuttering, and increase acceptance of moments of stuttering. The tasks
      will be experiential, active, and engaging and will be based on current evidence-based practices.
  • Virtual Teenage Talk Team
    • This virtual camp has theme-based activities, social skill building, and interactive games. Attendees must be able to independently attend the virtual session and engage verbally
      with others. Documentation of current skill level through most recent evaluation and/or treatment goals is required.

Comprehensive Audiological Services

Evaluations and rehabilitation of audiological disorders and diagnostics are provided by nationally certified and state-licensed audiologists, and graduate students under their supervision. Patients are treated across the lifespan with a wide range of hearing technology, advanced diagnostic evaluations, and pediatric audiological services available. 

Services Include:

  • Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations
  • Hearing Aid Services
  • Specialized Balance Assessments
  • Non-sedated Auditory Brainstem Response Evaluation
  • FM Systems and Assistive Listening Technology
  • Pre and Post Surgical Cochlear Implant Services
  • Auditory Processing Disorder Assessments
  • Pediatric Diagnostics and Hearing Aids
  • Tinnitus Evaluation and Treatment
  • Hearing Conservation, including Custom Hearing Protection

The UNT Speech and Hearing Center accepts most insurance plans with hearing benefits.
Hearing aid technicians are also available several times a week for hearing aid diagnostics or repairs. Questions for our technicians? Call 940-565-2262. 

Aural Rehabilitation Program

The following topics may be included:
  • Hearing loss and etiologies
  • Audiometric testing
  • Communication strategies
  • Effects of hearing loss
  • Hearing aid components and maintenance
  • Bluetooth Assistive Listening Devices
  • Government assistance programs
  • Hearing protection
Groups are held at the UNT Speech and Hearing Center.


February 27th at 6:00 pm

April 4th at 1:00 pm

Interested? Want to RSVP? Call 940-565-2262 or email


The Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology strives to provide the finest professional education in both speech-language pathology and audiology while maintaining an excellent Arts and Sciences pre-professional undergraduate degree.

The Center offers state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of speech, language, and hearing disorders.

Mailing address:
1155 Union Circle #305010
Denton, TX 76203


UNT Speech & Hearing Center
907 W. Sycamore St.
Denton, TX 76201