Getting Started With Your BSW Application

Notice to Students Regarding Licensing -

Effective September 1, 2017, HB 1508 created new laws that require entities that provide educational programs leading to an occupational license to notify all applicants an enrollees of the implications of a felony conviction which may make you ineligible for a license upon program completion. The law requires that this information be provided to all persons who are enrolled or apply in a teaching program without regard to whether the person has been convicted of a criminal offense.

You may review current guidelines used by the Texas Education Agency to determine the eligibility of the person to be licensed on the TEA’s website at You also have a right to request a criminal history evaluation letter from TEA and the process and form available online at

Program Admission

Students must make application and be formally admitted into the Social Work program at UNT. This typically occurs late in the student's sophomore year or early in their junior year. Applications into the program are reviewed each spring and fall semesters for admission to the following term. Please note that the UNT Social Work program may receive more qualified applicants than it can accept. Therefore, admission may be competitive and because of faculty-to-student ratio requirements associated with accreditation guidelines, the number of students who may be admitted into the program each semester varies.

Application Deadlines for the Upcoming Academic Year:

Application Deadline Admission Notification Program Entry
Fall 2025 - Due October 4, 2024 at NOON
Approximately 30 Days later
Spring 2025
Spring 2025 - TBD
Approximately 30 Days later​
Fall 2025


Admission Requirements

In order to be considered for admission, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have successfully completed (C or higher) or will complete the following Social Work prerequisite courses at UNT, or the equivalents at another university or community college (by the semester of application):
    • SOWK 1450 – Introduction to Social Work
    • SOWK 2430 – Policies, Issues, and Programs in Social Welfare
    • SOWK 3000 – Foundations of Interviewing 
  2. Have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher​
  3. Submit all required documents for application consideration within required deadlines

Flow Chart of How Social Work Majors Move Through UNT's Social Work Program

Admissions Process

Current UNT students MUST complete the steps in the admissions process as follows:

  1. Complete this Qualtrics Survey by Sept. 6, 2024 to request a Degree Audit and Semester-by-Semester Plan from the HPS Advising Office located in the College of Health & Public Services (Chilton Hall, Suite # 112). It will take three business days to process the Degree Audit. 
  2. After reviewing your Degree Audit, HPS Advising will develop and email you an individualized Semester-by-Semester Plan (they will also indicate if it is not the appropriate time for the student to proceed with the application). This plan will indicate how many core courses, minor, or elective courses you have left to take. Students typically need less than 21 hours of coursework outside the social work major at the time of application (consideration is based on plans to successfully complete core). 
  3. Students must then attend a brief Social Work Faculty Mentoring Meeting before submitting their application. Contact information for your assigned Social Work Faculty Mentor will be emailed with the Semester-by-Semester Plan if you are deemed ready to apply to the program by HPS Advising. Students should set their appointment for consultation regarding social work program requirements immediately after receiving and reviewing their Semester-by-Semester plan. Students must meet with their assigned mentor for a Social Work Faculty Mentoring Meeting in order for their application to be considered. 
  4. During the scheduled Faculty Mentoring Meeting, the student and the Faculty Mentor will review their Semester-by-Semester Plan, criteria for admission (GPA, professional and ethical behaviors, etc) and general program/professional expectations.

(Transfer students will need to contact the Advising Office or Social Work Department for instructions)

Application to Social Program

Directions on How to Apply

Link for the Application: BSW APPLICATION 

*Please note: Your application will NOT be reviewed until all of the following materials have been completed and to by the deadline:
  1. BSW Application (single page)
  2. Semester-by-Semester Plan
  3. Personal Statement (recommend minimum of 4 double spaced pages). Address all components to the following questions:
    • Please explain your desire to enter the social work field. Why do you want to become a social worker? 
    • What personal qualities equip you for the social work profession? 
    • What personal challenges might you face as a future social worker? How will you address those challenges? 
    • What significant relationships and life experiences (personal and/or professional) have you had in giving or receiving help that have motivated you to enter the field of social work? 
    • What social problem most concerns you? What have you done in the past to support this interest and/or how do you plan to use your social work education to address this issue?

Where to Submit?

Students must submit their application electronically in PDF format by the deadline with all required attachments. These should be submitted to

Important: Incomplete or late applications will NOT be considered or reviewed.


Please note - The Deadline for Spring 2025 Admission is: October 4, 2024 by NOON

Admissions Notification

Applicants will be formally notified regarding decisions of their applications to the UNT Social Work program via students’ official UNT email account or for transfer students, the student’s mailing address.