Amanda Bender, UPOP Graduate

"I am honored to be serving as the Emergency Management Planner for The Town of Chapel Hill, NC. This position is unique as it takes an integrated and coordinated approach across emergency management and urban planning to address gaps in town mitigation and resiliency. My role is currently assisting in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic and staying alert to any hurricane activity. In this position I serve in a rotation as Planning Section Chief in the Emergency Operations Center; generating reports on the current status of the town and surrounding areas to support decisions in the towns response. I also help facilitate updating the hazard specific gis dashboards, generate data driven reports, draft procedures, draft grant applications, assist in getting proper ppe to vulnerable populations, and coordinate with community partners on mitigation projects. Under normal conditions my role will also be integrated into other town development and community outreach activities.

The Urban Policy and Planning Degree Program really inspired me in pursuing a career in mitigation work. The passion instilled by my professors and the depth of knowledge imparted, prepared me well for succeeding in this complex career field. The lessons learned in project management, leadership, data analysis, teamwork, and collaboration has been invaluable in my role as an Emergency Management Planner."